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John Bills

John Bills

Writer, Time Out Travel

John Bills grew up in Mid Wales, but a mixture of boredom and tragedy eventually led to him visiting and writing about small towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and hunting down the best Bosnian food (if someone tells you it’s found in the Baščaršija, they haven’t been elsewhere in the country). He has been lucky enough to live in Prague, Ljubljana, Belgrade, Mostar and Sarajevo as well as the UK, and his travel writing and editing work for Time Out covers all those destinations and many more.

Articles (64)

The 18 best things to do in Wales

The 18 best things to do in Wales

Anyone who visits Wales, falls a little bit in love Wales. And with very good reason. This nation may be small but boy is it crammed with irresistible Celtic charm, magnificent landscapes and exhilarating culture. There's nowhere quite like it.  It’s the perfect place to rejuvenate, to give your mind a rest and to bathe in the genial hospitality of Welsh people. Take a long and thoughtful hike across the length of its coast or immerse yourself in the exciting buzz of its capital full of passionate sports fans and innovative talent. Whatever kind of getaway you're after, here are some of the very best things you can see and do in Cymru.  RECOMMENDED:  📍The best places to go in Wales 🍴 The best restaurants in Cardiff👀 The best things to do in Cardiff🌤️ The best things to do in the UK This article was recently updated by Amy Houghton, a writer from the Brecon Beacons. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

The 14 best places to visit in Wales

The 14 best places to visit in Wales

There can be no such thing as too much appreciation when it comes to Wales. This small but mighty country has spectacular landscapes, a fascinating history and an all-round warm and welcoming spirit that makes it hard not to love.  And you can encounter its wonderful Celtic magic in so many places. The beach options are endless, the foodie scene is thriving, the castles house centuries of stories and the peaks are breathtaking. From Cardiff in the south and Snowdonia in the north to the coastal towns of the west, here are the very best places you have to visit in Wales.  RECOMMENDED: 🍴 The best restaurants in Cardiff👀 The best things to do in Cardiff🌤️ The very best things to do in the UK This article was recently updated by Amy Houghton, a writer from the Brecon Beacons. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

15 of the best romantic weekend getaways in the UK

15 of the best romantic weekend getaways in the UK

It’s sometimes said that we in the UK don’t have much of a rep for romance. And while, sure, we can’t claim to have the finesse of the French or any of that effortless Italian charm, we’re still romantic. In fact, the UK is romantic AF – and we can prove it. From charming seaside towns packed with homely pubs and quaint rural villages populated by cute cottages to the UK’s historic and glamorous cities, this small country boasts countless destinations that are perfect for a romantic getaway (complete with all sorts of romantic restaurants too). And while, no, we aren’t all Hugh Grants, we’re still a pretty solid bunch, if we say do so ourselves. If you’re planning a loved-up weekend break with your special one, here are our essential spots: the best and most romantic getaway destinations in the UK. RECOMMENDED:🏰 Amazing UK castles you can actually stay in🤏 Tiny but perfectly formed UK hideaways🏠 Cabins and cottages to book now for autumn🌳 Amazing treehouses in the UK you can actually stay in⛰️ Outdoorsy UK getaways to help you reconnect with nature❄️ The cosiest places to stay in the UK this winter.

The best things to do in Portmeirion right now

The best things to do in Portmeirion right now

So, you’re craving a trip to an Italian island, to feast on pasta and stroll through cobbled streets. Aren’t we all? But perhaps your bank account won’t allow it, or you accidentally used up all your annual leave. Hey, we get it. But if that is the case, we’ve got the perfect antidote. The beautiful village of Portmeirion, in Wales, brings Italy right to your door.  Celebrated architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis dreamt up this marvellous marriage of Italian style and Welsh charm back in 1925, but it took many years to come together. Now, Portmeirion is one of the most beautiful places you can visit in Wales (if not the UK), and it’s full of great stuff to do too. For everything from fishing village tours to ancient railways and perfect spots for a pint, check out our list of the best things to do in Portmeirion.  RECOMMENDED:🥾 The best places to visit in Wales📍 The best things to do in Wales🌳 The best places to visit in the UK

The best places to visit in Cornwall, from coast to cove

The best places to visit in Cornwall, from coast to cove

Cornwall may be one of the most popular holiday destinations in the UK, but in such a sprawling and varied county it can be hard to know the best places to visit. From magnificent castles, to spectacular headlands, to a cluster of beautiful, remote islands, the south west county is one of the most stunning parts of the country, with a tonne of amazing things to see. Luckily, we've rounded up some of the best places to visit in Cornwall here, so you can save yourself the pain of digging through an old guidebook you found in the Airbnb.  We recommend seeing the area by car – aside from a few trains its public transport system is famously shoddy, plus it means you can access all those hard-to-reach, remote spots down windy country lanes – just watch out for locals speeding around those bends. So fire up the engine and get down to some of the spots mentioned below. We can picture the seagulls stealing your sandwiches already.  RECOMMENDED: 🏖️ The best beaches in Cornwall🥧 The best attractions in Cornwall🏘️ The best Airbnbs in Cornwall This guide was recently updated by Time Out writer India Lawrence, who is originally from Cornwall. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.

The 20 most haunted places in the world

The 20 most haunted places in the world

The world is a terrifying place. Even the most rudimentary glance at the news will tell you that much, and that's without taking all the ghouls and ghosts into account. Spirits inhabit every corner of the planet, lost between this world and the next, searching for peace, serenity, or maybe just some living people to scare (we don’t want to second guess the motives of ghosts, after all).  The most haunted places in the world are a spine-tingling mixture of classic spooky spots and some less predictable points, from old hospitals and mansions to mountain pubs and abandoned villages. Spooky season celebrations are well underway, but these chilling cemeteries and frightening fortresses can make the fear all too real. Footsteps? Whispers? The sobs of long-dead widows? We don’t know what you are talking about… RECOMMENDED:👻 The coolest abandoned places you can visit around the world🎃 The best halloween songs of all time🔪 The best halloween movies of all time John Bills is a writer for Time Out Travel. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines. 

The 14 most brrrilliant winter getaways in the UK

The 14 most brrrilliant winter getaways in the UK

It's time to wrap up, folks: winter is just around the corner, and to the eternally optimistic folks here at Time Out, it means rosy cheeks, romantic walks and zip-lining through massive caves in North Wales. We never claimed to be normal. Don those extra layers, hats, scarves and gloves, and get ready to enjoy all the glorious winteriness that the UK has to offer. You can head out in search of the Northern Lights, reindeer, Rick Stein’s finest creations and more — there is a lot to love in the UK, but winter shimmers brightest in these spots. Check out our top picks for the best winter getaways in the UK.  RECOMMENDED:🌳The most amazing treehouses in the UK you can actually stay in🚘The best road trips in the UK🏰The best castles in the UK🧙‍♂️The best magical places to visit in the UK At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines.

The best things to do in Sacramento right now

The best things to do in Sacramento right now

Tradition and transformation collide with dizzying results in stunning Sacramento, where a revitalized downtown core sits snugly within an area of beautiful nature that will take your breath away. Well, give you fresh breath, although the excitement downtown might take care of the breath removal part of that, but you get what we’re trying to say. This place is brilliant, and the best things to do in Sacramento are proof. The City of Trees is the capital of the world’s seventh-largest economy, and that sums up Sacramento. Innovative museums and galleries are the norm, while organic farmers markets and fabulous restaurants keep the place buzzing. Take it away, Sacramento. RECOMMENDED: The best restaurants in SacramentoRECOMMENDED: The best hotels in Sacramento  

The 13 best restaurants in Cardiff

The 13 best restaurants in Cardiff

Cardiff might just be the best-kept foodie secret in the UK. The Welsh capital gets overlooked in favour of some more famous places, but that just means more delicious food for those who make the wise decision to head to the city. Many of the most innovative chefs in the UK have made there way here, and the dishes flying out of Cardiff's kitchens are proof that ambition is the most important ingredient.  Our top picks tick all the boxes, from immaculate, Michelin-guide worthy fine dining to hearty, wholesome scran. So, if you find yourself in this fabulous city sometime soon, make sure you're headed to one of the the best and most exciting restaurants in town.  RECOMMENDED:🎨The best things to do in Cardiff🏨 The best Airbnbs in Cardiff🌉 The best things to do in Bristol☀️ The best things to do in the UK At Time Out, all our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 

The 17 best things to do in Cardiff

The 17 best things to do in Cardiff

Cardiff is a lively city, especially on big sporting days when it can feel as though the entire Welsh nation descends on the capital to cheer on the team in red. Luckily for visitors, the Welsh are a tremendously friendly bunch, and thanks to the apt title 'City of Castles' and Cardiff's charming streets and gorgeous beaches, the place is great for a roam. Our pick of the best things to do in Cardiff covers every category, be it innovative restaurants or positively thrilling museums. There's an abundance of culture to sink your teeth into, and a plethora of great spots to shop 'til you drop. If you’re looking to squeeze all of this into a day then check out our handy guide to the perfect day in the capital, and then set about exploring the best of the rest that Wales has to offer. You’re in for a serious treat, butty. RECOMMENDED:🏨 The best Airbnbs in Cardiff🌉 The best things to do in Bristol☀️ The best things to do in the UK At Time Out, all our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 

The 15 best places to travel alone

The 15 best places to travel alone

Nothing sounds quite as liberating as upping sticks and going to see the world, at whatever pace, and for however long you want. The freedom of only being tied to your own schedule is the beauty of travelling solo, and it seems like lots of us are catching on.  Travelling the world alone has only grown in popularity since we came out of pandemic restrictions, with many of us adopting the ‘life’s too short’ mindset, and working up the courage to just book that damn flight. And why shouldn’t we? There’s such an abundance of places to travel solo, some so glorious that you won’t even notice you don’t have company.  Of course, there are some things to consider if you’re jetting off solo. Safety, especially for women travellers, is an important element to factor into your planning, among plenty of other aspects that need weighing up. We’ve done our research: here is our list of the best solo travel destinations in the world.  RECOMMENDED: ☀️ The prettiest islands in the world🌆 The best cities in the world 🖼️ The most beautiful places in the world

The 11 most beautiful mountains in the world

The 11 most beautiful mountains in the world

Our magical rocky, watery planet is packed with gorgeous oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, but the craggy parts deserve plenty of attention. Nothing gets the heart racing quite like a magnificent mountain, and that’s even before you’ve attempted to walk up one. Mountains are seen as mythical and inspiring, unique and sublime: it’s no great mystery why humans have spent so much time trying to conquer them. Every outstanding achievement is a personal Everest, after all. Mountains may be challenging to hike, but many of them are pretty stunning. The most beautiful in the world showcase the incredible power of nature, from symmetrical volcanoes to glacier-topped rocky prisms and beyond. Here, we’ve picked out the most impressive peaks our planet has to offer. And once you’ve finished gawping from afar? It’s time to get trekking. RECOMMENDED: 🏝 The best beaches in the world🧭 The best places to travel solo🗺 The world’s most underrated travel destinations😍 The most beautiful places in the world

News (4)

Aquests són els llocs embruixats més terrorífics del món

Aquests són els llocs embruixats més terrorífics del món

El món és un lloc terrorífic. Els esperits habiten tots els racons del planeta, perduts entre aquest món i l'altre, a la recerca de la pau, la serenitat o potser d'algunes persones vives per espantar (no tenim criteri per assegurar els motius dels fantasmes, després de tot). Els llocs més embruixats del món són una barreja de racons clàssics fantasmagòrics i alguns llocs menys previsibles; des d'antics hospitals i mansions fins a pubs de muntanya i pobles abandonats. Les celebracions de la temporada més esgarrifosa estan en marxa, però aquests cementiris i fortaleses aterridores poden fer que la por sigui massa real. Passes? Xiuxiueigs? Sanglots de vídues pretèrites? No sabem de què parleu... 1. Poveglia, Itàlia Foto: Shutterstock Venècia pot ser el lloc més romàntic d'Europa, però també és un dels més encantats. Podeu inserir aquí el vostre comentari sobre l'amor maleït, però sort per trobar la teva veu al fred de Poveglia. Aquesta illa abandonada es va utilitzar com a estació de quarantena durant més d'un segle abans d'acollir un hospital psiquiàtric, que va tancar el 1968. Fa tanta por que els visitants estan prohibits, presumiblement per por de... Bé, per por. 2. La Isla de las Muñecas, Mèxic Foto: Shutterstock La Isla de la Muñecas en realitat encara fa més por del que indica el nom. El propietari d'aquesta illa situada al sud de la Ciutat de Mèxic va començar a penjar ninots dels arbres a la dècada del 1940, aparentment per allunyar els mals esperits, i va acabar cr

Estos son los lugares embrujados más terroríficos del mundo

Estos son los lugares embrujados más terroríficos del mundo

El mundo es un sitio terrorífico. Los espíritus habitan todos los rincones del planeta, perdidos entre este mundo y el otro, en busca de la paz, la serenidad o quizás de algunas personas vivas a quien asustar (al fin y al cabo, no tenemos criterio para asegurar los motivos de los fantasmas). Los lugares más embrujados del mundo son una mezcla de rincones clásicos fantasmagóricos y algunos sitios menos previsibles; desde antiguos hospitales y mansiones hasta pubs de montaña y pueblos abandonados. Las celebraciones de la temporada más escalofriante están en marcha, pero estos cementerios y fortalezas aterradoras pueden hacer que el miedo sea demasiado real. ¿Pasos? ¿Susurros? No sabemos de qué habláis... 1. Poveglia, Italia Foto: Shutterstock Venecia puede ser el sitio más romántico de Europa, pero también es uno de los más encantados. Puedes insertar aquí su comentario sobre el amor maldito, pero suerte para encontrar tu voz en el frío de Poveglia. Esta isla abandonada se utilizó como estación de cuarentena durante más de un siglo antes de acoger un hospital psiquiátrico, que cerró en 1968. Da tanto miedo de que los visitantes están prohibidos, por miedo a... Bueno, por miedo. 2. La Isla de las Muñecas, México Foto: Shutterstock La Isla de las Muñecas en realidad aún da más miedo de lo que indica el nombre. El propietario de esta isla, situada al sur de la Ciudad de México, empezó a colgar muñecos de los árboles en la década de 1940, aparentemente para alejar a los malos

El transporte público de Madrid, entre los 15 mejores del mundo

El transporte público de Madrid, entre los 15 mejores del mundo

¿Dónde estaríamos sin el transporte público? Nuestro mundo está cada vez más dominado por ciudades que crecen día a día, y cada vez más está más claro de que el tráfico de automóviles en constante aumento es una mala noticia para nosotros y para el planeta. En este contexto, los trenes, autobuses y tranvías son los héroes anónimos que, literalmente, podrían salvar el mundo. Está claro que un autobús abarrotado en hora punta no es exactamente la experiencia de un viaje de ensueño. Pero cuando se trata de explorar alguna de las mejores ciudades del mundo, no hay mejor forma que coger un tren y descubrirla a través de los ojos de quienes las habitan. Y algunas de las mejores redes de transporte público del mundo funcionan incluso como una experiencia cultural en sí misma, con diseños y calidades sublimes. Para identificar las ciudades con mejor transporte público, encuestamos a más de 20.000 habitantes de 50 ciudades de todo el mundo. Simplemente preguntamos: ¿es fácil moverse por tu ciudad en transporte público? Y en las ciudades que se muestran a continuación, al menos cuatro de cada cinco habitantes tenían cosas buenas que decir sobre la red de transporte público de su ciudad.  Madrid, en el puesto número 12  La clasificación la encabeza Berlín, con un 97% de los encuestados satisfechos con su red de transporte público. A la capital alemana le sigue Praga y Tokio, con un 96% y un 94% de satisfacción respectivamente.  Para encontrar una ciudad española tenemos que bajar hasta

This Balkan country could join the EU – here’s why travellers should be excited

This Balkan country could join the EU – here’s why travellers should be excited

After years of working to meet requirements, Bosnia and Herzegovina is finally on the highway to EU membership. The European Commission has granted candidate status for the country – and the skies over Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and the rest shine a little brighter (though the autumn weather might also have something to do with that).  What does that mean for travellers? Good things, hopefully. Having lived here on and off for the last 13 years, I’ve heard the term ‘undiscovered gem’ get drilled deep into the ground – but I’m more than happy to say that Bosnia and Herzegovina might just be the most underrated travel destination in Europe. EU status would likely bring improvements to infrastructure, road and air connections and the rest, while the possibility of Schengen status has clear benefits for friction-free border crossings. We’ll wait and see what happens, but there are plenty of reasons for optimism, both for Bosnians and travellers. So why should you be excited? Because Bosnia and Herzegovina is a stunning conveyor belt of beauty packed with history, culture, great food and great people. Sarajevo teems with history, while the Stari Most (Old Bridge) in Mostar is one of the most impressive bridges on the planet; the nightlife in Banja Luka goes all night long, while the streets of Tuzla, Trebinje and Bihać are packed with charming cafes and romantic restaurants. On the subject of the latter, you haven’t eaten grilled meat until you’ve done so in Travnik, with the el